KEYCOM provides solutions in the 300 GHz to 1 μHz frequency range (SHF/EHF/MW/UHF/VHF/ULF).
We undertake designing, manufacturing and measuring. Please feel free to contact us.

Antenna radiation characteristic Measurement Service

Model No. SANT01


Content of measurement

・Directional characteristics (radiation pattern)
・ Gain
・ Axis ratio ( Axial ratio of circularly polarized antenna is 40GHz. Characteristics can be measured as the angle. After measuring the directional characteristics measured )


・ Frequency : 80MHz~110GHz
・ Measurement distance : Up to a maximum 6m

Equipment used

Vector network analyzer or Scalar network analyzer

Measurement example


Contact Us  FAX:+81- 3-5950-3380 TEL +81-3-5950-3101)
Please feel free to contact us any time, providing the following information (you may omit non-applicable fields).

* Contact details
* Desired frequency for the measurements
* Configuration of the sample (please provide the maximum size of the object: thickness x height x width, as well as the number of samples).
* Information regarding the sample material(s)
* Important points regarding the handling of the sample (conductivity, volatility, etc.)
* Desired temperature for performing the measurements (normal temperature, etc.)
* Please provide detailed information in case the sample needs to be prepared by Keycom (e.g. 48% alcohol solution)


When you measure the directivity characteristic (emission pattern)

*Where to make contact
*Measurement hope bandwidth
*Center frequency
*Angle, Measurement range (vertical, horizontal)
*Angle, Measurement interval (vertical, horizontal)
*Angle, Number of measurements (vertical, horizontal) Ex) By normal once. How many times is it an interval in the case of the multiple times ?
*Polarization direction ( Linearly polarization wave / Circularly polarized wave )

When you measure the gain

*Where to make contact
*Measurement hope bandwidth
*Center frequency

When you measure the axis ratio ( Circularly polarized wave ) ( After the directivity characteristic is measured, it measures it. )

*Where to make contact
*Measurement hope bandwidth
*Center frequency
*Angle, Measurement range (vertical, horizontal)
*Angle, Measurement interval (vertical, horizontal)
*Angle, Number of measurements (vertical, horizontal) Ex) By normal once. How many times is it an interval in the case of the multiple times ?
*Polarization direction ( Linearly polarization wave / Circularly polarized wave )